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Theatre Performance 2021 // Work in progress

A project that starts from the idea of love as the great milestone and achievement of humanity. Thousands of songs talk about this subject, thousands of books, thousands of visual representations, thousands of movies, thousands of investigations, millions of stories.

It is such a big thing in our society that sometimes I think is too much but at the end what about me? I want to love and be loved, me a 37-year-old man, with sexual tendencies beyond the binary and with all the possibility to achieve it and to fail. I am in searching of love, in pursuit of love in this time of crisis, in this digital era. How I suppose to connect and meet new people?

This project somehow is a document of my searching of love in Belgium as an immigrant guy. My own story, with girls and boys, with monogamous and polyamorous situations. With story’s I hear, with success and failure relations.

This project is a personal work where I want to take the time to explore and research with text, dance and musique this topic.

Direction: Augusto Pedraza / Performers: Peter Palasthy, Julia Bondone and Augusto Pedraza

Short Short Film 2021

A man enjoy his dinner as if was the last one in his life.

Director: Augusto Pedraza/ Production: Kristien Japers/ Actor: Micha Goldberg/ Camara: Emiel Bachot/ Sound: Yannick Demarsin / Edition: Belén Valenzuela.

Violence Project
Performance // Short Film // Theatre Play

We live, as never seen before, in one of the times of more security and peace in the world, there is not war or at least not globally, but the answer to that question depends more on where it is seen and asked. A boy in Syria could contradict that fact and it is his truth, and a boy in Norway can say that he does not know what I am talking about when I refer to violence, and it is also his truth

This work is divided into three parts and each one seeks to explore violence from different angles: the normalization of violence, the attraction to violence, the physical and psychological suffering of violence. The victim the victimizer and the intermediary

This exploration seeks to be carried out in different ways as they can through a narrative story, sensory explorations, through movement and dance or through voice and sounds. In other words, through this project I seek to portray different forms of violence as a guiding theme (how it feels?, how it is told?, how violence moves?)

The three parts of this project seek to create a single universe that we can name as the universe of violence, but  they works as an individual projects creating a triad or trilogy.

Violence I: The table, the guest and the fury ​
Performance 2020

The project explores different points of view of violence [physical, phycological, verbal, emotional, cultural, sexual]

We will enter to a specific moment of 4 people in a crime scene, we as an audience will be inside that scene, we will smell it, feel it, experience, and listen what does they have to say.

In order to make possible the experience we will make use of the intimacy and closeness to the spectators, we will be said personal tales, the realistic and mundane moments of life to the more surrealistic dreams of imagination, we will play with the idea of been inside a game, with the idea of been violent, been victim, with the idea of been inside a fiction and not.

Direction: Augusto Pedraza /Performers: Micha Goldberg, Citlali Mendez, Adele Raes, Gilles Van Hacke /Technicians: Dorian Stevens, Lionel de Nil/ Coach Direction:  Seppe Baeyens, Eurudike De Beul/ Intern Coach: Bart Capelle/Mentor: Dirk Verstockt/Coach Technicians: Thomas Stevens/ Production: RITCS Drama department and De Markten.

Short Film 2021

A look into a day in the life of a woman living in a futuristic Brussels who is in the preparation for an important dinner. She knows that from that reunion, will get the most important job in her career, but a series of strange events are taking place that conclude in catastrophe and unexpected night.

Director: Augusto Pedraza/ Production: Kristien Jaspers/ Script: Augusto Pedraza/ Director of photography: Emiel Bachot/ Editor: Isidor Ilic/ Sound Editor: Yannick Demarsin CAST: Claire: Adele Raes, Elias: Gilles Van Hecke,Dinner guests: Leonie Buysse, Citlali Mendez, Aymara Parola, Adrian Sánchez  Nuñez, Lisa Tonelli, Luca Torrenzierri, Yves Vermeulen Woman in the park/ Guus Diepenmaat/ Man in the bridge Jamy Hollebeke/ Assistant Director: Kristien Jaspers/ Camera: Emiel Bachot/ Production Sound Mixer: Yannick Demarsin/ Production assistant: Merel de Coen, Dorian Stevens/ Camera assistant: Casper Steketee/ Music: soFa elsewhere/ VFX: Victor Vercammen/ Colorist:Sergio García Francia/ Catering:David Copca/ Thanks to: Loula Burnus, Vanessa Minacapelli, Veerle Joos, Dirk Verstockt, Sylvain Dal Vecchio, Micha Goldberg, Esmée Begemann, RITCS Bottelarij and RITCS Dansaert, La Corte dea los Milagros. / Production: 2 Options creations company

Violence III
Theatre Play 2020

A father was killed, a son was kidnapped, the family wants to keep the control of the business, but many secrets will be revealed and the trust between the family  will be in danger, many died and  many will die.

How much violence is justified in order to obtain power, money and a position? How much violence is justified in order to survive? How many men do I have to eliminate before I am the one who is eliminated?

Violence is violence and demands more violence and without realizing it is our reality and we navigate it without questioning it.

Director: Augusto Pedraza/ Credits: Adele Raes, Gilles van Hecke, Peter Palasthy/ Technicians: Dorian Stevens, Lionel de Nil/ Coach Direction: Seppe Baeyens, Eurudike De Beul/ Intern Coach:Bart Capelle/ Mentor: Dirk Verstockt/ Coach Technicias: Thomas Stevens/ Production: RITCS Drama department.

The Other
Physical Theatre 2019

A group of madmen, outcast broken and unbalance leftovers were expelled from the city they inhabit, they begain an exodus that  took them through different worlds  looking for of a place to live but most important a place where they belong.

Director: Augusto Pedraza (Bachelor Thesis Directing RITCS) /Coach Directing: Bart Capelle en Ruud Gielens / Performers:Michel Charpentier, Peter Palasthy,  Lavinia Nowak, Leticia Olvera, Serena Emiliani, Julia Bondone, Oscar Briou, Wan Lan Yu / Technician: Thomas Braekevelt (Podiumtechnieken RITCS)/ Coach Technician: Harry Cole/ Production: RITCS Drama department and La Corte de los  Milagros.

Shadows of the Past
Performance 2018

On July 15-30 of 2018 the Summer School “Freedom Street” of the Platform of European Theatre Academies (PLETA) took place in Rucka Residncy, Cēsis. 26 young theatre makers from 8 European countries went to knew Cēsis and Latvia, They created 6 site-specific performances in Cēsis city environment under the guidance of an international team of mentors. The audience was invited to join them on July 28 and 29. Time machine stoped in Cēsis – this motto unites performances and actions on streets and squares of Cēsis city interpreting the concepts of history and freedom. Organizer: Latvian Academy of Culture and PLETA in collaboration with Cēsis Art Festival and Rucka Artist Residency. With the support of the EU Programme “Creative Europe”, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia and Cēsis Municipality. The event is part of the international programme of the centenary celebration of Latvia.

“The «Time Machine Stops in Cēsis» performance series will conclude with the performance «Shadows of the Past» by Jenette Ouchterlaken and Augusto Pedraza, directing students of the Royal Institute of Theatre, Cinema and Sound in Brussels (RITCS), on 29 July at 16.00 and 17.00 at the Cēsis Castle Ruins. This performative walk with elements of shadow and movement theatre will lead you to reflect on the echoes of the past in the present and how they shape our future.’’


Director and performers: Janet Oosterlaken and Augusto Pedraza/ Performer: Una Eglite/ Production: 

Tango del Desagrado
Dance 2017

A dance project about the act of seduction.

Director: Augusto Pedraza/ Performer: Justine Prignot and Gilles Van Hecke/ Dance Centrum Jette,  Brussels and Festivaleke, Charleroi, Belgium, 2017. 

La Corte de Los Milagros
Theatre Company

La Corte de Los Milagros  Is a  Mexican dissident performing Arts Company, that I started with two friends  whose creative crossroads are the intervention of non-conventional spaces, interdisciplinary and the generation of experiences.

We seek to enter into the perversity of our humanness without prejudice. We pursue creative, aesthetic and freedom speech. We talk of human darkness, decadence, misery, fragmentation, violence, cruelty and their opposites.

We look for dialogue and collaboration with other creators.

We worked with the improvisation, with the intuitive body, with the performatic playfulness and forms that are of our interest. We looked for the pleasure of the discovery.

Indicio de Olvido
Non-Conventional Theatre Laboratory 2015

The non-conventional theatre laboratory emerges from Augusto Pedraza’s need to find a non-conventional way to build a character from the body in space and, in the same way, to build a physical dramaturgy. In January 2015, several friends of «Teatro» were invite to ask themselves “what are memories made of? what memory is? And what destiny is?”

The main element of this work was focusing on a bodywork as an actor’s tool, because the body is and will be the essential element of the construction of the dialogue in the scene based on the instinct. There lies the truth in the actor’s work.

Because of this Laboratory, the staging of Indicio de Olvido was born, which deals with fraternal human relationships and friendship and their subsequent separation.

Synopsis Indicio de Olvido

Three friends who are forced to be together, not knowing who took them away and deprived from  their freedom; they are subjected to a process of progressive degradation of their humanity, which brings them to the rational limit.

Text and Direction: Augusto Pedraza/ Art and Space Design: Leticia Olvera/ Executive Producer: César Gálvez/ Actors: Misael Maldonado, Pavel Nateras and César Gálvez /Management Assistance: Elena Vargas/ Musicians: Miguel García and Ricardo Alemán/ Production Assistant: Ana González/ Wardrobe: Rodrigo Álvarez Verde-Ramo/ Participants of the Laboratorio de Teatro no convencional Alicia Lara, César Gálvez, Misael Maldonado, Pavel Nateras, Paola Garcia, Juan Carlos Saenz, Leticia Olvera, Neri Kode, Andromeda Mejía Director: Augusto Pedraza Venue: Teatro Zentro, Mexico City Year: 2015

El Territorio de las Pérdidas
Theatre 2015

Four women have lost their life, what is real, what is tactile, the truth of a world that they knew and that no longer exists; they try to have hope and perhaps at some point re-emerge, but for now they find themselves in unknown territory, they have locked themselves in but there is no other option than to restart a story together to find the origin of everything that led them into that isolation.

Dramaturgy and Direction: Augusto Pedraza / Cast: Andromeda Mejía, Leticia Olvera, Dunia Alexandra, Elsie Krasivaya, Paola Hutton, Gabriela Aguirre /Assistant: Misael Maldonado /Technician: Manuel Garba. / Space: Sala de Teatro Así que pasen cinco años and Traspatio Escénico /Production: La Corte de los Milagros.

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